Model Description Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (BRAMS)

BRAMS (Brazilian Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) is a joint project of ATMET, IME/USP, IAG/USP and CPTEC/INPE, funded by FINEP (Brazilian Funding Agency), aimed to produce a new version of RAMS ( tailored to the tropics. The main objective is to provide a single model to Brazilian Regional Weather Centers. The BRAMS/RAMS model is a multipurpose, numerical prediction model designed to simulate atmospheric circulations spanning in scale from hemispheric scales down to large eddy simulations (LES) of the planetary boundary layer.

Current projects involving BRAMS are:

• BRAMSNET (Finep), retro-fitting operational experience and research into model maintenance, generating new versions of BRAMS. Main accomplishment to date is the web page ( Joint work with FURG, UFRJ, USP, UFCG, Somar, Itautec. Report of goals (/ProjBramsnet.shtml)

• SegHidro (Finep), creating a portal to submit atmospheric models, hydrological models and risk analysis model ( Joint work with UFCG and FUNCEME.

• GBRAMS (Finep), creating a portal to submit BRAMS climatology. Joint work with LAC/INPE and IC/UFRGS.

Página do BRAMS

Página de Atividades