dset ^eta_%y2%m2%d2%h2.grb options template index ^eta.idx undef 9.999E+20 title eta_03080700.grb * produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p32q dtype grib 255 ydef 196 linear -51.000000 0.333 xdef 157 linear -81.000000 0.333000 tdef 3 linear 00Z07aug2003 3hr zdef 39 levels 1000 975 950 925 900 875 850 825 800 775 750 725 700 675 650 625 600 575 550 525 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 vars 81 no4LFTX180_0mb 0 132,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Best (4-layer) lifted index [K] ACPCPsfc 0 63,1, 0 ** surface Convective precipitation [kg/m^2] ALBDOsfc 0 84,1, 0 ** surface Albedo [%] APCPsfc 0 61,1, 0 ** surface Total precipitation [kg/m^2] CAPEsfc 0 157,1, 0 ** surface Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg] CAPE180_0mb 0 157,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective Avail. Pot. Energy [J/kg] CFRZRsfc 0 141,1, 0 ** surface Categorical freezing rain [yes=1;no=0] CICEPsfc 0 142,1, 0 ** surface Categorical ice pellets [yes=1;no=0] CINsfc 0 156,1, 0 ** surface Convective inhibition [J/kg] CIN180_0mb 0 156,116,46080 ** 180-0 mb above gnd Convective inhibition [J/kg] CRAINsfc 0 140,1, 0 ** surface Categorical rain [yes=1;no=0] CSNOWsfc 0 143,1, 0 ** surface Categorical snow [yes=1;no=0] DPTprs 39 17,100,0 ** Dew point temp. [K] DPT2m 0 17,105,2 ** 2 m Dew point temp. [K] HCDChcl 0 75,234,0 ** high cloud level High level cloud cover [%] HGTsfc 0 7,1, 0 ** surface Geopotential height [gpm] HGTprs 39 7,100,0 ** Geopotential height [gpm] HGTlcl 0 7,4,0 ** 0C isotherm level Geopotential height [gpm] HLCYhlr 0 190,106,7680 ** Storm relative helicity [m^2/s^2] ICECsfc 0 91,1, 0 ** surface Ice concentration (ice=1;no ice=0) [fraction] LANDsfc 0 81,1, 0 ** surface Land cover (land=1;sea=0) [fraction] LCDClcl 0 73,214,0 ** low cloud level Low level cloud cover [%] LHTFLsfc 0 121,1, 0 ** surface Latent heat flux [W/m^2] MCDCmcl 0 74,224,0 ** mid-cloud level Mid level cloud cover [%] MFLUXsfc 0 231,1, 0 ** surface Convective cloud mass flux [Pa/s] MSLETmsl 0 130,102,0 ** Mean sea level pressure (ETA model) [Pa] NCPCPsfc 0 62,1, 0 ** surface Large scale precipitation [kg/m^2] PLI30_0mb 0 24,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Parcel lifted index (to 500 hPa) [K] POT10m 0 13,105,10 ** 10 m Potential temp. [K] PRESsfc 0 1,1, 0 ** surface Pressure [Pa] PRES30_0mb 0 1,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Pressure [Pa] PRES60_30mb 0 1,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above gnd Pressure [Pa] PRES120_90mb 0 1,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above gnd Pressure [Pa] PRES150_120mb 0 1,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above gnd Pressure [Pa] PRES180_150mb 0 1,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above gnd Pressure [Pa] PREStrp 0 1,7,0 ** tropopause Pressure [Pa] PRMSLmsl 0 2,102,0 ** Pressure reduced to MSL [Pa] PWATclm 0 54,200,0 ** atmos column Precipitable water [kg/m^2] RHprs 39 52,100,0 ** Relative humidity [%] SHTFLsfc 0 122,1, 0 ** surface Sensible heat flux [W/m^2] SOILW_0_10 0 144,112,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd Volumetric soil moisture [fraction] SOILW_10_40 0 144,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm undergnd Volumetric soil moisture [fraction] SOILW_40_100 0 144,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm undergnd Volumetric soil moisture [fraction] SOILW_100_200 0 144,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm undergnd Volumetric soil moisture [fraction] SOTYPsfc 0 224,1, 0 ** surface Soil type (Zobler) [0..9] SPFHprs 39 51,100,0 ** Specific humidity [kg/kg] TCDCclm 0 71,200,0 ** atmos column Total cloud cover [%] TKEprs 39 158,100,0 ** Turbulent kinetic energy [J/kg] TMPsfc 0 11,1, 0 ** surface Temp. [K] TMPprs 39 11,100,0 ** Temp. [K] TMP2m 0 11,105,2 ** 2 m Temp. [K] TMP30_0mb 0 11,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Temp. [K] TMP60_30mb 0 11,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above gnd Temp. [K] TMP120_90mb 0 11,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above gnd Temp. [K] TMP150_120mb 0 11,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above gnd Temp. [K] TMP180_150mb 0 11,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above gnd Temp. [K] TMPtrp 0 11,7,0 ** tropopause Temp. [K] TSOIL_0_10 0 85,112,10 ** 0-10 cm undergnd Soil temp. [K] TSOIL_10_40 0 85,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm undergnd Soil temp. [K] TSOIL_40_100 0 85,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm undergnd Soil temp. [K] TSOIL_100_200 0 85,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm undergnd Soil temp. [K] UGRDprs 39 33,100,0 ** u wind [m/s] UGRD10m 0 33,105,10 ** 10 m u wind [m/s] UGRD60_30mb 0 33,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above gnd u wind [m/s] UGRD120_90mb 0 33,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above gnd u wind [m/s] UGRD150_120mb 0 33,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above gnd u wind [m/s] UGRD180_150mb 0 33,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above gnd u wind [m/s] USTMplr 0 196,101,7765 ** u-component of storm motion [m/s] VGRDprs 39 34,100,0 ** v wind [m/s] VGRD10m 0 34,105,10 ** 10 m v wind [m/s] VGRD60_30mb 0 34,116,15390 ** 60-30 mb above gnd v wind [m/s] VGRD120_90mb 0 34,116,30810 ** 120-90 mb above gnd v wind [m/s] VGRD150_120mb 0 34,116,38520 ** 150-120 mb above gnd v wind [m/s] VGRD180_150mb 0 34,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above gnd v wind [m/s] VGTYPsfc 0 225,1, 0 ** surface Vegetation type (as in SiB) [0..13] VSTMplr 0 197,101,7765 ** v-component of storm motion [m/s] VVELprs 39 39,100,0 ** Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] VVEL30_0mb 0 39,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] VVEL90_60mb 0 39,116,23100 ** 90-60 mb above gnd Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] VVEL180_150mb 0 39,116,46230 ** 180-150 mb above gnd Pressure vertical velocity [Pa/s] WTMPsfc 0 80,1, 0 ** surface Water temp. [K] ENDVARS